Martin Carter

Martin Carter held senior leadership and director level roles in some of the world’s biggest and most complex organisations before leaving to become a full-time leadership coach and consultant. As part of the SRA team he uses FED and his 20 years experience of leading on the front-line to help individuals, teams and organisations grow their leadership capability and deliver better results. I love seeing people grow and develop, surprising themselves with what they can achieve. I believe that everyone has the potential to make a bigger positive difference at work, at home and in their community. My work is all about helping people, teams and whole organisations unlock and harness this potential by identifying, developing and playing to their strengths whilst avoiding the self-limiting beliefs and stories that get in the way. A central theme of this work is helping clients notice the unhelpful thinking patterns, ineffective repetitive actions and small transactional relationships that stop them being at their best and then helping them to consciously make better choices. It’s these choices which together unlock their potential and deliver bigger, better and more sustainable results faster and more effectively. I’ve seen first-hand the transformational impact that FED can have on an organisation, first as a client and latterly as an SRA associate. However, its biggest impact has been at home in Warwickshire where FED has helped me in my 24/7 job as husband and dad of three. In this role I am, and will always be, a work in progress but my ‘first team’ are a constant source of encouragement, inspiration and (of course) feedback! Martin can be contacted at

What the heck is a leadership manifesto?

In our new and inspirational post series, here is a great post from Martin Carter a regular contributor…

Are you Choosing Jaw-Jaw Over War-War?

I recently read an interview with Michael Palin – he of Monty Python and intrepid global journeys, and,…

Are You Stuck in the Doing?

Yesterday I had three separate conversations which really got me thinking about how leadership shows up in our…

Are You in Need of a Light Bulb Moment?

How are those resolutions for the year going? Research suggests that by now, 4 out of 5 will…

Keep On Keeping On

In every culture, New Year signifies a new start. Janus, the Roman god after whom January is named,…

What Are You Making It Mean?

In this post regular FED post contributor Martin Carter reflects back on the death of his mother two…

Are you Losing Your Marbles?

In Leadership Plain and Simple, Steve refers to Lao Tzu who wrote “Consciousness or awareness is the source…

Tell (yourself) fewer stories: here’s why.

My post a few weeks ago encouraged us to tell more stories. This time round I want to…

Tell more stories. Here’s why.

In this post Martin Carter, currently head of Eon’s Engineering Academy at Eon and previously their head of…