Ride the wave, be at your best (Taken on a seriously windy day on the Cape Verde Islands. Click the photo for a better view.)
The other day, I bumped into the HR director at a client and she said ‘I don’t know what you’ve done to Charlie but thank you. He’s transformed. There’s a real glow to him.’
Charlie’s in a team I’m working with and, when I first met him, he looked flat, drained and grey. I chatted with him and said ‘it’s as if you’ve lost touch with you at your best. It’s as if you’ve forgotten who that person is.’ He agreed.
I suggested he write down all the words that describe him at his best and then ask friends and colleagues for their words too. He did this and when we met a week later it was clear that this helped him. He was a changed man and well on his way to being back at his best.
I know I’m like Charlie and you may be too – in the busyness of life we can lose sight of what we’re like at our best. So this week create something that reminds you of you at your best. Write some reminders for yourself on yellow stickies and put them somewhere obvious – stick them in your diary, on your computer screen or your bathroom mirror.
You already have a ‘you at your best’. Enjoy being it more of the time.
Have a good week,
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