Here is a great post from Steve Holliday.
Steve Holliday
I’ve been thinking about times when results have been great, and the relationships great. I’ve wondered what it really means to “relate†to another person and what it is about great relationships enabling great results?
I find that in relationships there are times when we seem synchronised, as if there is a sixth sense between us. What we do appears effortless and at times magical. Equally there are times when difference occurs and we disagree – we have different perspectives on courses of action – and it can feel and seem tough all of a sudden.
That got me wondering. What happens when these differences surface? How do I respond when I’m at my best and what about when I’m not?
With my MSc colleagues, I had some concerns about our group dynamics that I was finding difficult to deal with. When I wasn’t at my best I dwelled on what I was struggling with, blamed them, and was sure I was “rightâ€. At my best I was able to have a BIG conversation to share my concerns. I needed them to hear me and help me work this out, as I cared about what we stood for in relationship.
Leadership nudge: How often does the desire to ‘be right’ paralyse your ability to have a great relationships and great shared results? Take a moment to consider what it would be like to suspend your ‘being right’ – what great results might occur? What is the difference you can make to your relationships to get great results?
By Steve Holliday
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