Anni Townend
What’s keeping me going at the moment is my vision of what it will be like to sit in our new conservatory on a winter morning sipping my coffee and looking out over the South Downs.
The context here is that the house is in total chaos. As well as the conservatory being built, all the windows in the house are being replaced – impacting on every single room. We are making do and getting on with it. I am surprised by how quickly I have adjusted to having a workforce on site and most of the time I am enjoying it. And this is in huge part due to my vision of what it will be like on completion. Which is just as well as there have been times in the past few weeks when in the middle of a phone call the line went dead due to a cable being cut and only a few minutes ago all the electricity was cut off with no warning!
My vision is truly keeping me going and has me think a lot about the power of visualising our futures, of really imagining ourselves in a future situation – thinking ourselves into it and feeling what it will be like – when we have achieved and accomplished what we set out to do and are celebrating successful completion.
Give sometime this week to thinking about something that you are leading for in your life and then visualise yourself with what you are leading for. Notice how you feel and what you are thinking, whether there are other people involved, what you are doing and what’s happening around you. It’s a great tool and the more you use and practise it the easier it gets.
By Anni Townend
Learn more about the author of this article, Anni Townend
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