With my glacier guide in Norway
It was brilliant this week to receive the note below from Jayne, a team leader in a small charity. It’s great that we regularly receive notes like this and I wonder if there is an idea in this one for you.
Hi Steve
I wanted to let you know I have just finished reading Leadership Plain and Simple. I can honestly say it is the biggest behaviour-changing book I have read, and I have read a few! Before I had finished it I was implementing some of my new learning and engaging my team. Who I have to say loved what I was bringing to the work place. I have even begun writing a “question” or “thought” on the white board in the office for everyone to ponder for a week at a time. I am already recommending your book to everyone and sharing the knowledge. I not only want the best for myself and my team, I want them to want the best for themselves and others as well.
Finally I just want to say thank you, It has brought much light to my life.
I don’t know Jayne but doesn’t she sound great? The piece I love is the “writing a ‘question’ or thought’ on the white board”. What could you do to prompt some new conversations with colleagues? What’s the equivalent of her ‘white board’? Get creative!! Have a play.
By Steve Radcliffe
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