Anthony Landale
There was an advertisement run not so long ago for that very distinctive relish, Tabasco Sauce. In this advert a stereotypical male God was shown sitting in the heavens on a cloud. Clearly it was meal time and the advert showed the divine being shaking the said sauce onto a waiting sandwich and salivating over the prospect of his fiery snack. However, while he was concentrating on shaking the bottle he was quite unaware that some drops of the hot sauce were falling onto the earth below – causing destruction wherever they fell and leading to people in the vicinity fleeing in all directions.
And so it is everywhere with people/leaders when they take initiative. When you are leading and trying to make a difference you will find that some people like being around you and thrive while others will go quiet or even disappear because they find it hard to express themselves when you are around.
In FED terms we call this ‘the shadow you cast’ and finding out about your shadow can can provide you with some essential information about your leadership. Why? Because leadership happens inside the impact you make and the impact you intend may be nothing like the impact that is experienced by others.
So here’s a practice for this week. Ask one or two people who you work with regularly what light and shadow you bring to meetings, to teams and to stakeholders. Ask them for their experience of what it’s like to be around you and then consider how you might reduce your shadow and bring more light.
Learn more about Anthony Landale, the author of this article – click here
One Comment
Jan v. Dongen
It is indeed a good exercise suggested above. I have recently participated in a 360 degrees survey and you really can see that the same person (in this case myself) can create quite a variable impact on different people. In the beginning I was a bit surprised but if you give it a second thought it is quite understandable that your intentions are not always understood in the right way. Being aware of that will help you to reduce the negative impact but you only can become aware of it if you ask for it.