Steve Core
In last week’s post I talked about the experience of working alongside blind adventurer Miles Hilton-Barber and being inspired by his message about connecting with our dreams and goals rather than being held back by our circumstances.
Perhaps surprisingly it was not Miles’s insights or indeed his incredible adventures that made the most impression on me. What touched me most about Miles’s presence was his kindness and his integrity. Here was a man who had travelled across Europe on his own, unable to see, who had touched so many people he came into contact with his kindness and generosity. The taxi driver, the hotel receptionist and the singer in the hotel whom he gave a down payment of 20 euros on his first CD sale. One of the Chinese managers said she felt that in a strange sort of way he could see. I believe the way that Miles does see the world is through soft eyes, rather than the often hard or cynical way in which we often live in the modern world. What I learned most from Miles was about the way Miles was BEING.
Leadership nudge: Through which eyes are you currently looking at the world? How does this impact on those important people around you?
By Steve Core
Learn more about Steve Core, the author of this article.
One Comment
Jan van dongen
I really love this thought and agree with you that we have to be aware on how we are judging the world around us. While many people get milder getting older I see that I very often move the other way especially under pressure.This is something to be aware off. Thanks for you thought.