Anni Townend
I have recently joined a new club of people who love The West Wing. The TV political drama series set in The White House charting the daily lives of a group of advisors to the President played by Martin Sheen. I have come to this series rather late in the form of a boxed set of DVDs many people having already been hooked to the series when it was first shown some years ago, and many of whom have watched the whole series more than once if not twice. So I have asked myself what is my fascination with the series, why is it so engaging and so compelling? And one of the answers is that every so often there are exchanges between some of the main characters that are outstanding examples of Future Engage Deliver!
Only the other day Mrs Landingham, the then Personal Assistant to President Bartlet says to him: If you don’t run again because you don’t want to, that’s fine….. BUT if you don’t run again because you think you are going to fail then I won’t even talk to you! What better example of the two mindsets ‘Playing to Win’ versus ‘Playing to Avoid Losing’. The first all about making a clear decision in line what really matters to you, what you really care about and are in touch with when you are at your best; and the second all about not doing something out of fear, the fear of losing or failing.
Mrs Landingham is also a guide and mentor to the President. Throughout she believes in him, encourages him to be his best, challenges and supports him – and indeed makes fun of him. This too highlights for me how important it is for us as leaders to have someone who will remind us of who we are at our best, and who, when we waiver from what really matters to us, helps us get back on track again.
Leadership nudge: What do you notice about yourself when you make decisions based on what really matters to you and what you really care about versus those times when you make a decision fuelled by fear, anxiety or doubt? Who do have in your life that helps you be at your best more of the time, challenging and supporting you helping you get back on track?
By Anni Townend
Learn more about the author of this article, Anni Townend
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