In this post regular FED contributor Steve Holliday writes about asking for help, getting it and the difference a support team can make. Perhaps there’s more support for you out there than you think?
Steve Holliday
I was recently in Brighton and being near the sea, and my training well underway for a team relay swim of the English Channel in 2014, I posted a request to the Outdoor Swimming Society on Facebook, to see who was up for an early morning sea dip. I’m a novice open water sea swimmer and needed some experienced company.
To my surprise and delight, a lady called “Kim†said “she’d be keen to hook upâ€.
What was great is that I hadn’t met her before. Something in her was just so unconditionally supportive of me, a complete stranger, connected only by our love for open water swimming.
We met at the pier that morning at 07:30 am, where I was greeted by Kim’s mate, Heather. Wow, here was ANOTHER amazing person, happy to support me.
I had a great swim with them both, alongside the pier, and some great conversation too. Kim was off back to South Africa and said “if ever you are in Cape Town, Steve, let’s swim!†whilst Heather said “bring your channel relay team down and we’ll swim together – it’ll be greatâ€.
Leadership Nudge: So who’s in your support team? How often do you ask them for help? Who’s support team are you in or could you be in, if you offered your support, unconditionally? What might be possible in your leadership, and someone else’s too, as a result of being in a great support network?
By Steve Holliday
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